We offer a wide spectrum of Tactical Overt Vests for small and medium calibre protection with NIJ Level IIIA and NIJ Level IV Hard Armour Plate insert options to meet the diverse operational needs of modern-day combatants.
We offer Plate Carrier Vests for law enforcement, military, and special forces. Our solutions can be broadly categorized into various NIJ Level III, III+, III++, and Level IV models, suitable for operational needs.
We offer Hard Armour Plates, designed for military, law enforcement, and other professionals who require specialized protection of various NIJ Level III, III+, III++, and Level IV protection levels, suitable for operational purposes.
We offer a wide range of Ballistic Protective Helmets across various NIJ Levels to meet the diverse operational needs of modern-day combatants.
We offer VIP Concealed Vests for civilians, security protection details, law enforcement, sport shooting, and hunting. Our solutions can be broadly categorized into NIJ Level II and NIJ Level III protection with anti-stab protection options.
We offer Ballistic Protective Briefcases, specifically designed for businessmen, and other professionals who require specialized mobile protection purposes.